
The Empowerment  course is aimed at improving the management of co-workers to proactive action with regard to the company’s vision and values.

In their practice, managers encounter a situation where good and active colleagues do not want to take responsibility for tasks and management for various reasons. Empowerment is a tool that helps at least some of these smart and good workers take on more responsibility and proactivity.

  • To improve in leading co-workers to take proactive action with respect to the company’s vision and values.
  • To learn to develop co-workers to accept more responsibility and make independent decisions within it.
  • To improve in creating conditions for proactive and responsible action.
  • To learn how to build healthy self-confidence and openness to change in colleagues.


  • Clarification of the concept of Empowerment, what are the goals of empowering colleagues.
  • What tools are available to the manager, barriers to Empowerment.

Terms for Empowerment

  • Corporate culture – support or obstacle to Empowerment.
  • Space for proactivity and independent responsible action, the importance of vision and values.

Key characteristics supporting Empowerment

  • Personal responsibility, authentic and direct communication, trust.
  • Quick and effective ability to correctly resolve interpersonal and team tensions.
  • Emphasis on learning and development, encouragement.

Managerial tools of Empowerment

  • Analysis of the potential of a collaborator.
  • Setting development goals, development and training programs.
  • Different management styles.
  • Coaching, motivational feedback, evaluation interviews.

Personal involvement of the manager

  • Reflection of one’s own management style (In what is support for development and empowerment
  • colleagues and when can it be an obstacle to Empowerment?).
  • Encouraging and building healthy self-confidence, support in overcoming personal barriers.

Proactivity and openness to change

  • How resistance to change arises and how to overcome it.
  • Development of co-workers’ proactivity, change of paradigm about oneself.

Training of selected tools and techniques supporting Empowerment

Possible tasks

  • Analysis of the potential of a collaborator.
  • Analysis of team (company) culture from the point of view of Empowerment support.
  • A plan on how to support and build healthy self-confidence in selected co-workers.
  • Custom assignment related to the topic.

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