Core Tools IATF for automotive

The IATF Automotive Core Tools course is aimed at providing an overview of methods for quality planning and improvement.en suppliers and customers.

  • Under the guidance of an experienced lecturer, participants apply the content mainly using exercises and examples from practice.
  • Top lecturers with experience and experts in their field.
  • Practical training
  • Peer learning and best practice (Best Practise)
  • A high degree of satisfaction of course participants.

The form of realization of the course is face-to-face or online (or both forms).

The working methods used in the training programs are chosen in such a way as to ensure interactivity, adapt the content to the needs of the participants and  prioritize the transfer of knowledge into practice .

  • Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the core automotive tools (APQP, FMEA, MSA, SPC and PPAP). This includes their purpose, methodology and use in the automotive industry to ensure high quality standards and compliance with ISO/TS 16949 and IATF 16949 requirements.
  • Through hands-on workshops and case studies, participants will improve their analytical and quality management skills.
  • The training will focus on practical exercises and real-life scenarios so that participants can apply the concepts and tools learned in their work environment.

Introduction to the basic tools of the automotive industry

  • Overview of basic quality tools in the automotive industry
  • The utility of basic tools in the automotive industry
  • Compliance with ISO/TS 16949 and IATF 16949

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

  • Objectives and benefits of APQP
  • Five phases of APQP (brief overview)
  • Key outputs of APQP

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

  • Purpose and types of FMEA (DFMEA and PFMEA)
  • 7 steps in conducting an FMEA
  • System, Subsystem, and Component Analysis
  • Fault identification
  • Risk analysis (severity, occurrence, detection)
  • Prioritization of risk reduction
  • Implement and update FMEA

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)

  • The importance of MSA in quality control
  • Types of measurement system errors
  • Gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R) studies
  • Analysis and interpretation of MSA results
  • Improvement of measurement systems

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  • Understanding variability and process control
  • Key SPC tools: Control Charts, Cp and Cpk
  • Implementing SPC in manufacturing
  • Interpreting control charts and taking corrective action
  • Practical exercises and group activities

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

  • Purpose and requirements of PPAP
  • 18 elements of PPAP submission
  • PPAP submission levels
  • Compliance assurance and approval process

Control Plan

  • Purpose of control plans in process control
  • Developing effective control plans
  • Linking control plans to FMEA and SPC
  • Monitoring and updating

For course participants, we offer the possibility of subsequent application support in the form of individual consultation with the lecturer or in the form of workshops directly at the client.


To order or for more information, contact us at, or at phone number +421 254 418 513.

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