Corporate diplomacy

We manage our organisations as well as we can. Do others know about it?

The workshop will be led by two experienced managers who have had to deal withthis issue.

Get inspiration and talk about it:

  • How to build our company’s position in an international structure, or our department within a large company.
  • How to get interesting projects that we can’t decide on ourselves.
  • How to behave and assert ourselves in an environment where others make decisions about us or we depend on each other.

Short and long game

  • Short term: getting investment, project approval
  • Medium and long term: building internal brand, building relationship, building trust

Player analysis

  • Owners, captains, referees
  • Goals, interests, relationships, competencies
  • Networking

Force fields

  • Who plays with us, who plays against us, who plays “in the other group”

Possible pitfalls of our paradigm

  • Good praises itself, good results sell themselves
  • It will be decided by others anyway and elsewhere without us
  • Carousel of urgency: I deal mainly with the operative

The manager in the role of diplomat

  • Marketing is necessary even if you have a very good product
  • What we want to achieve – local vision
  • Fortune favours the prepared; no one will do it for us
  • Proactivity: having a voice where decisions are made

Communication package

  • Finding consensus and common interest
  • Working with opposing views
  • Argumentation

Relationship package

  • Some interesting tips and experiences


Find out more

We will provide you with more detailed information about the price, possible dates and training schedule.

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