There was a shortage of around half a million cybersecurity specialists in the EU by the end of 2024. Estimates for Slovakia speak of up to thousands of professionals who will be missing from the labour market in the near future. Currently, this is the most growing segment of the labour market – and globally.
The greatest chance for reskilling/upskilling is for IT professionals, due to the need for technical knowledge of the networking environment and information systems/SW applications.
The course is designed for all IT professionals who are considering redirecting their career development into the field of information and cyber security, regardless of their specific focus or length of experience.
The course will explain not only the basic principles of cyber and information security (C&IS), legislation and standards, but in particular the parallels and differences in outlook and approach (mindset) between the worlds of IT and KB, and will point the way to further career opportunities in KB.
The working methods used in the training programmes are chosen to ensure interactivity, tailoring the content to the needs of the participants and prioritising the transfer of knowledge into practice.
- To highlight the parallels and differences in the competency requirements of IT and cyber security (CS) professionals – both hardskills and softskills
- Using practical examples, show what approaches are required for KB in standard IT areas
- Describe the basic job roles (positions) in KB according to the European ECSF model and the knowledge standard of the Slovak Republic (required by the legislation in the Slovak Republic for the public administration)
- Introduce the basic KB domains and practice the competences of individual roles with examples
- To clarify the possibilities of career growth from IT positions to KB positions
1. Parallels and differences between the worlds of IT and cybersecurity
- Specialisation vs. Holistic approach
- Best Practices vs. Legislation
- Common and different role requirements in IT and cybersecurity (hardskill, softskill)
2. Work roles in cybersecurity
- Positions of cybersecurity and IT departments in the organisation
- Cybersecurity requirements for standard IT domains
- Description of cybersecurity job roles according to the ECSF and the cybersecurity Act knowledge decree
- Description of cybersecurity domains beyond the IT domains
3. How to move forward in cybersecurity
- IT->cybersecurity retraining opportunities
- Time and resources required
- Recommendations for the way forward, discussion
Common exercises at the end of each participant block.
For course participants, we offer the possibility of subsequent application support in the form of individual consultation with a lecturer or workshops directly at the client’s premises.
For ordering or more information, please contact us at or by phone +421 2 544 185 13.