How to enforce changes – change management

The course How to implement changes – change management focuses on how to improve and develop the ability to implement and manage changes in the organization .

  • Improve and develop the ability to promote and manage changes in the organization.
  • To understand the reasons why there is resistance to change and to become familiar with the procedures that minimize it and create high chances of successful management of changes.
  • Develop a communication plan or communication matrix for a specific change in the organization.
  • Improve communication skills related to change.

Change – initial thoughts

  • Reflection of experienced changes, their progress and impacts.
  • What would happen if the change didn’t happen?
  • Reason for change, goal of change.
  • Engaging in the process of change.

The psychological side of the change process – the curve of experiencing change

  • Paradigm – idea, rejection of changes, resistance to change.
  • Finding ways out, identifying with change.


  • Change as a threat or change as an opportunity.
  • What can I influence?

Managing the change process

  • Preparation, planning, transformation structures.
  • Implementation, rewards.

Communication and motivation in the period of change

  • Basic rules of communication about change. What needs to be talked about?
  • Presentation of change.
  • Overcoming objections to change.
  • How to get colleagues excited about change?
  • Selected assertive techniques for managing unwanted behavior.

Communication plan

  • Communication plan.
  • Communication matrices.

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